Poem: The Mess Of Death By Komene Famaa


(By Komene Famaa)


Dark armies

Darken all around

For what an empire

Or a prison

That’s a question everlasting

Brave against brave

Equal against equal

Sword against sword

Shield against shield

No, no, these are not the answer


Dark armies

With sharp terrible weapons

Equipped [fully]

Attack today

Seeking the weak

And the unarmed

What’s the result then?


Dark armies

Decorate themselves

With the heads of the innocent children

Around their necks

And dress themselves

With mutilated arms

Of the helpless

Around their waist

What kind of offering is this?

The pointed sword of unkindness

Extracting mercilessly thousand of souls

From the living body of innocents

To whom are they offering?

The ritual of the internal security Task Force you are dancing today

Is it for devastation or regeneration

Wild in the blood of demons

Mother KawaBari

Couldn’t distinguish

Between friends and foes

And Lord stricken by AIDS

Lies fallen alone

On undulated hills among heaps of sand of Bane

What has happened now?

Obedient to his overflowing current of blood

Everything has gone away

Our civilisation

Built over the centuries

Therefore, oh creator

Out of this bloody stream

What kind of earth

Will you make anew?

To be made

After your own shadow

With your own breath

Tell me

What kind of living being

That would be

Posing yourself today as a brave

In this bloody stream of mercilessness

Tell me

The seed you are sowing

And carefully nursing

What kind of plant

That would turn out,

Then the bloody stream

Will Okuntimo come and sail the Ark

When all the living beings

Are drowned in the overflowing stream of blood


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