Abe Ruined Guber Ambition By Not Supporting Peterside in 2015 – Eze

Chief Chukwuemeka Eze, a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has disclosed that  Senator Magnus Abe ruined his gubernatorial ambition by not supporting the candidacy of  Dr. Dakuku Peterside in the 2015 Rivers State governorship election.
Eze posited that those blaming the current challenges facing Senator Abe, on the Minister of Transportation, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, are misinformed.
Rather, Eze insisted that Abe is the architect of his gubernatorial misfortune and travail.
In a statement he signed and made available to newsmen on Thursday, Eze accused Abe of thwarting a political formula where Dr. Peterside, the APC’s gubernatorial candidate in the 2015 election, would complete his terms in office, whenever elected as governor.
He explained further that in line  with the arrangement, Abe would take the ticket later as that would have both satisfied the riverine agitation, answered the Ogoni question, and pacified the South-East senatorial district.
“But Abe worked against it in 2015 by refusing to support Peterside, and by so doing, undermined his own ambition” Eze said.
Eze, an ally of key actors in Rivers APC, noted that the formula if Abe had allowed it to work, would have solved the issues  of sharing of political power along the upland and riverine dichotomy; the challenge of the South East senatorial district that have not produced an elected Governor since the creation of Rivers state in 1967.
Also, Eze said the issue of Ogoni not producing a governor since the creation of the state on May, 27th 1967, would have been resolved under the APC formula.
However, he exuded confidence that it can only take “a sagacious, patriotic, practical, concerned and seasoned political leader like Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi to find a solution to such seemingly sophisticated and impossible challenge facing Rivers state as listed above.
“Amaechi, whose love for Senator Magnus Abe knows no bound as he had maintained at various fora, had devised the means to address the issue of the Ogoni not producing a governor for the state since 1967 by positioning him to fly the flag of APC after Peterside may have ended his governorship, but sadly, Abe worked against it.
“So it beats my imagination for Abe and his team to continue to deceive outsiders that Amaechi is against his gubernatorial ambition instead of telling the world that he personally scuttled an arrangement that would have addressed the issue of Ogoni people once and for all.
Eze was saddened that instead of Abe to adhere to wise counsel and engage the elders and political leaders in Rivers state to dialogue on whatever maybe the issues between him and Amaechi, “he preferred to set up a mischievous and propaganda media team to misinform the public against Amarachi.
 “I just wonder how such a plot or sponsored attacks against Amaechi could help his gubernatorial aspiration” the APC stalwart stated.

Read more https://independent.ng/abe-ruined-guber-ambition-by-not-supporting-peterside-in-2015-eze/

Post Author: OgoniNews

HURAC is a club instituted by the Movement For the Survival of the Ogoni People, which is open to all secondary schools within and outside Ogoni and also to all intending members. It`s currently operating in Riv-Poly secondary school, its division HQTRS, and also in CSS Bori, ACGS Bori, BMGS Bori and some Portharcourt schools. It has Kate, Wisdom Deebeke as its pioneer Senior Chief Co-ordinator. It was inaugurated in Riv-Poly by the INTELLECTUAL ELITE BATCH, with Tuaka Jeremiah as the appointed Chairman as at then. It aims at educating members and the public on their fundamental human rights, human rights advocacy, human rights abuses and campaign, etc. To learn more about HURAC, please go to http://huraclub.org/.