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Nov. 10th Tribute: Great Ogoni, Great (II)

Nov. 10th Tribute: Great Ogoni, Great (II)

In tears and blood we slept
Trying to do our best

Cheated by the rest
Until we found a friend
Who knew beyond our best
Who stood to face the threat
Whose dead is made our wealth
Great Ogoni GreatHe stood to pay the price
The great sacrifice
He led Ogoni 9
On that November 10th
His words remain our guide
His course we ll stand to fight
He taught us how to say
Ogoni Must SurviveTo him I dedicate
This message I propagate
But God be glorified
Because he is on our side
If God be on our side
Who else can terrify
With smiles we shall declare
Great Ogoni Great

As Written By Sine Kiedum Monday
PortHarcourt, Nigeria ,

This article is a republication as part of our Nov. 10th special editions to remember Ken Saro-Wiwa and the Ogoni8



We are now calling on all Ogoni writers and intellectuals to submit their papers/articles about the Ogoni 9, the struggle and the way forward for Ogoni in preparation for November 10th.  Tell the world what actually happened between 1990 and 1995 and even events that occurred before, during and after oil exploration and exploitation in Ogoniland.  Your articles will be featured on our news website free of charge and we will ensure they (articles) get to the right audience at the right time.  All articles should be submitted to on/before Nov. 9th 2012.  For further enquiries about article submission, concern about this advert, or to contact HURAC, please write to or contact us by clicking this link (Opens in new window).



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