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MOSOP-USA Congratulates MOSOP President Elect, Mr Legborsi, Saro-Pyagbara

Great Ogoni People:

MOSOP-USA would like to congratulate Mr. Legborsi Pyagbara on his victory as the president of the MOSOP in the just-concluded election in Nigeria. We also wish to congratulate all contestants for the various offices for their interest to serve Ogoni in elected capacities.

MOSOP-USA is especially grateful to all members of the MOSOP Provisional Council for the services rendered in their brief tenure and for facilitating the elections well within specified timeline; thus, congratulate the leadership of Prof. Ben Naanen for a job well-done!

Effectively, as the leadership team of Legborsi Pyagbara embarks upon new responsibilities and the enormous challenges ahead, MOSOP-USA enjoins all Ogonis (at home and in diaspora) and friends of our noble cause to pledge their unconditional support for the pursuit of common good and commitment to the ideals of MOSOP.

We are confident that Mr. Pyagbara’s influence will continue to encourage and further the Ogoni struggles globally and we look forward to a productive cooperation with his administration.


Loveday Inordee


Ledum L. E. Nordee



Source: National Network

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