An Open Letter To The Newly Elected President Of The Movement For The Survival Of The Ogoni People (MOSOP), Mr. Legborsi Pyagbara

Dear Mr. President,

I am truly glad to know that you have been elected President of the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP), the umbrella body aimed at speaking for the Ogoni people and uniting them through gainful measures. I stand to be corrected if the aim of this body has changed, sir.

Mr. President, I represent a section of the Ogoni people that is usually called the demented, the reason being that we have been so ruined by a mad system pioneered by those who accuse us. And if I must say this, the Ogoni people have not been very comfortable with the leadership of MOSOP through the years, as someone playfully described it as ‘lazy approach to certain things concerning the Ogoni people.’ But I am glad because we will have a new man with, hopefully, new approach to the things that concern the Ogoni people. For the Ogoni people feel that the organisation is performing in a snail-pace and I think you have to correct this notion.

The leadership of Mr Mitee, I’m sure did its best. And then that of the Provisional Council, led by Prof. Ben Naanen. I wish to congratulate these aforementioned persons for their dedication and service to the Ogoni people, however poor or rich it appeared.

On assuming office, all Presidents bear it in mind to impress the Ogoni people with their works. This is our expectation of you, Mr. President. You have to prove to the Ogoni people that we made the right choice. You have to bring the pressing issues affecting the Ogoni people to the lime light, peacefully and judiciously.

Mr. President, one project I wish you to carry out is the formation of the Body of Ogonis in Government, BOG, be it federal appointments or state deployment. These people can make contribution and carry out a particular project. These people must learn how to be responsible or they can choose to represent another tribe aside Ogoni.

The problem with Ogoni over a period of 15 years has not been a hating government who wants to subject the Ogoni people to unconditional poverty but the careless nature of brainless politicians from the tribe who see only shiny coins but no responsibility to the people.

Dear Mr. President, let’s reason like pals: do you think these men and women are sincere enough to be called Ogoni leaders when they don’t even identify with the people? Sometimes they make me puke, especially when all they think about is nothing but re-election. It is bluntly sad, I must confess.

I have watched them closely for a while. I have come closer to a few. But I must say something: it is safer watching them from afar as most of them come to you when your help is needed and then dump you when they have gotten what they want. They don’t see what you see or listen to you when you speak of possible facelift. They can barely pay the school fees of some of the Ogoni sons who wash their cars.

Dear Mr. President, we don’t expect you to be the next Ken Saro-Wiwa. No. That would be asking too much. We expect fearless and sincere leadership and due representation. We expect visionary leadership. I am so sorry I was not at the election that led to your being president but I sure would have loved to hear your manifesto.

I am glad I do not know you in person so I can be as free as I can to express myself in any choice of words. I once wrote a poem where I fantasized that Ogoni, especially Bori, can be like Dubai. Find that poem, please. It is entitled “Bori”.  I was not high on Marijuana when I wrote that poem. No. I was seeing a possibility if we can eliminate individuality from our dictionary and concentrate on the collectives.

Mr. President, I have an idea you can borrow. I am sorry this would sound like a business proposal but I think you will need it.

Sir, MOSOP is a broke organisation. What I mean is that MOSOP is suffering poverty too. I know about this. Don’t ask me how. I know the government does not pay it or does any prominent Ogoni man sponsor its activities. I know that you can work on your funds and then show better leadership and people can learn from you.

Mr. President, please consider this: buy nice buses, air-conditioned buses with the money in your purse. I think you have some change. Agree with a business man to manage the bus business. I mean someone you can get arrested if it is mismanaged. The buses can ply Bori to Oron routes, to Port Harcourt and other parts of the country. This will bring in millions of naira into the organisation’s purse in a period of a year and then you can concentrate on a particular project with the funds raised.

Mr. President, let’s assume the project is: drawing a master plan for the Ogoni area, or even Bori as a place, you can do this and then find a good, interested foreign company that would buy into your ideas and maybe, Ogonis can have pipe-borne water and maybe a functional health system not run on government stipend.

Dear President, MOSOP can come up with an annual quiz or debate contest that would give scholarship to one or two Ogoni youths to any university in the world. If Teeh Ken were alive he would have bought this idea, when these people return after four years you must have had loyal MOSOP members who would support and fund MOSOP.

Dear President, I also believe electricity can come to the Ogoni people. I spent Christmas in my village. It was pathetic. The mosquitoes almost killed me. They came after me like I owed them a package and then dug into my skin like they were vampires.

Mr President, if you don’t mind, consult your people and of course the Ogoni people, agree with any foreign companies, give them the plan to develop Ogoni, build at least two international universities and give them access to the bloody oil. That oil thing is becoming very stupid in that ground.

Mr. President, you should also know that Ogoni as a language is dying at a geometric rate. To confirm this ask your young daughter or son to make a sentence in Ogoni and see the disaster of a result. I am guilty of this one, Mr President. I am also fully aware of the Khana/ Gokhana variation, and of course the Eleme and the Tai tongue, but you can create an institute and affiliate it with either of the universities in the state, so people can be awarded at least a Diploma in Ogoni Language.

Mr. President, I am also aware that many Ogoni sons have gone abroad to study as geologists; I think you should have a functional website where a catalogue of professionals can be found and reached, that way when there is a need you can reach them. As for the old site, that thing looks old. Even my ancestors won’t agree to visit it if they knew what ICT meant.

I also think that you can revive the Ogoni Star newspaper and employ capable hands and expand the reach so you can have adverts on it and then the workers can stop trekking and drinking garri.

I have said enough already. My girlfriend is calling me now and I must attend to her if I wish to remain in a relationship.

Thank you for your time and congratulations once again for your position as the President of the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People, MOSOP.

Thanks so much,


Yours faithfully,

Nwilo Bura-Bari

Bori, Ogoni.


Nwilo Bura-Bari Vincent,

Port Harcourt,



“Bring on hope, dreams and good faith. Sorrow and tragedy are not enough.”

Source: National Network

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Post Author: OgoniNews

HURAC is a club instituted by the Movement For the Survival of the Ogoni People, which is open to all secondary schools within and outside Ogoni and also to all intending members. It`s currently operating in Riv-Poly secondary school, its division HQTRS, and also in CSS Bori, ACGS Bori, BMGS Bori and some Portharcourt schools. It has Kate, Wisdom Deebeke as its pioneer Senior Chief Co-ordinator. It was inaugurated in Riv-Poly by the INTELLECTUAL ELITE BATCH, with Tuaka Jeremiah as the appointed Chairman as at then. It aims at educating members and the public on their fundamental human rights, human rights advocacy, human rights abuses and campaign, etc. To learn more about HURAC, please go to

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