The Midnight Summer
(By Komene Famaa) In faraway WarriIn tropical Nigeria,
At Federal Government College,
There we studied
A phenomenon then I never grasped,
It was a geographical phenomenon
It was called Mid Night Summer;
But in temperate Finland
Thousands of miles away from Warri,
Mid Night Summer and I met face-to-face!
Observed once every year
At night which appeared day,
The sun still clutched to the sky,
Spraying golden beams of light
At midnight on earth below
Even as people jabbered or slept
Their amazements and sorrows away;
It was a wonder to behold!
From the four corners of the earth,
People trooped to see the Mid Night Summer,
A twenty first century world phenomenon;
All through the night, sleep was scarce.
All through the night , our hill-post stood
In awe to watch Mid Night Summer act;
We, well dressed in clothes long, with caps tight,
Mosquitoes and flies our unfriendly companions,
Even at midnight…..were they also awake
To pester mankind or to watch
Mid Night Summer, act?
As we watched, like little babies
Stricken with feverish expectancy,
At midnight, Mid Night Summer burst open
The doors of sky and earth, its golden beams
Shot through tight shafts to spark a once passive
Crowd to life….a kinetic release of claps and shouts,
That swept through the once hollow and darkened night,
With bright little stars that turned night into day
To the chagrin of all that on our hill post stood.
Darkness awash with sunlight, recognition palpable,
Creatures and beings alike, on this cold night turned day
Aware that with Mid Night Summer,
A new day has arrived in Rovaniemi, Finland,
And, may be, in the tropics of Nigeria
Faraway at Federal Government College, Warri
***THE END***
This Poem was sent in by Mr Komene Famaa.

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