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Statement By The MOSOP Kingdom Coordinators On The 17TH Anniversary of Ogoni Martyrs Day – 10th November, 2012

We give thanks to God for his faithfulness in preserving and guiding the people of Ogoni in the trials and tribulations visited onus in the cause of our struggle for social and environmental justice. Today we have another opportunity to remember our great fathers who laid down their lives for our struggle for freedom.

We appreciate all Ogonis who despite the trying times have kept faith with the struggle. We believe and strongly identify with all who are desirous to appropriate the existing values of freedom and justice for which our fathers and many others were slain.

It is exigent on this occasion for us to state our position and desires particularly in view of the evolving issues arising from the unsatisfactory and highly mind-blogging disposition of members of the Caretaker Committee in matters affecting the Ogoni people and the struggle.

One issue that is central in the Ogoni struggle is relationship with Shell oil company. Shell was declared persona-non-grata in Ogoni in 1993. The late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua had declared that the broken relationship between Ogoni people and Shell was irrepairable. Today we hear Shell re-entry programme into Ogoni in government and Shell company circles.

Our concern is in the understanding that members of the Caretaker Committee apparently provides cover for the company in this evil agenda. This constitutes one big challenge now if we ever desire not to allow the blood of our heroes go in vain.

The non-implementation of the recommendations of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report on Ogoniland is one other area of concern. Instaed of facilitating the implementation of the report recommendations, the Federal Government has introduced what it called HYPREP. The action of government clearly is an attempt to rubbish the needed restoration programmes in Ogoni/environment. We condemn the attitude of the Nigerian Government and declare their antics unacceptable.

Ogoni people have to prepare for not very pleasant times ahead. Government and Shell agents are already at work to excecute their ominous plans.

Direct acts of oppression and dehumanization of our people abounds in our land. Recently, whole communities of Sogho were razed down and several people killed. This was committed by the mindless Nigerian Government agents just in effort to force the people to surrender their farmlands, only means of livelihood to a military camp and banana plantation. We insist that proper investigation is done to cover those responsible for this crime against humanity.

Importantly, we want to use this occasion to draw the attention of all to the resumed deployment of state violence against the people of Ogoni. Apart from the attacks and destructions in Sogho communities, several other violent attacks have been launched om MOSOP metings and activities. In September 2012, MOSOP meeting was attacked at Beeri in Nyokhana kingdom and at Kpor in Gokana kingdom in October 2012. These are not only indecent but clear infringement on the people’s rights to associate. We wish to advice all Ogoni people to remain calm and maintain the peaceful disposition for which we are known. Resist every temptation to fall to any kind of provocations. The only way we can trully honour our martyrs is to continue to fight pecefully and fearlessly until our demands are met.

Conclusively, we shall continue to pursue our demands as captured in the Ogoni Bill of Rights. As Ogoni remain integral part of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, our future must be guaranteed. The Ogoni Bill of Rights is the answer.

We again appreciate all Ogonis who have given their time and lives to keep the struggle alive.


Gdd Bless You All.

1. Frank Jonah Coordinator, Nyokhana Kingdom
2. Vopnu Barida Coordinator, Gokana Kingdom
3. Nnaa Yeghebaa, Bori Special Unit
4. Miigbara Tanee, Babbe Kingdom
5. Oluji Batholomew, Eleme Kingdom


Source: OgoniNews


We are now calling on all Ogoni writers and intellectuals to submit their papers/articles about the Ogoni 9, the struggle and the way forward for Ogoni in preparation for November 10th.  Tell the world what actually happened between 1990 and 1995 and even events that occurred before, during and after oil exploration and exploitation in Ogoniland.  Your articles will be featured on our news website free of charge and we will ensure they (articles) get to the right audience at the right time.  All articles should be submitted to on/before Nov. 9th 2012.  For further enquiries about article submission, concern about this advert, or to contact HURAC, please write to or contact us by clicking this link (Opens in new window).



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