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08 NOV
OGONI HEROES’ DAY: Call For Article Submission
We are now calling on all Ogoni writers and intellectuals to submit their papers/articles about the Ogoni 9, the struggle and the way forward for Ogoni in preparation for November 10th. Tell the world what actually happened between 1990 and 1995 and even events that occurred before, during and after oil exploration and exploitation in Ogoniland. Your articles will be featured on our news website free of charge and we will ensure they (articles) get to the right audience at the right time. All articles should be submitted to on/before Nov. 9th 2012. For further enquiries about article submission, concern about this advert, or to contact HURAC, please write to or contact us by clicking this link (Opens in new window). This information is brought to you by the HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISTS CLUB, BORI-OGONI
Join other Ogonis to discuss pressing environmental issues, Bori state creation, UNEP REPORT, Ogoni land grab and a whole lot of other interesting topics. You can even include your own topic for discussions. All are welcome to join the forum. Make friends with other Ogonis and join interesting groups including all the Ogoni 6 kingdoms, Bori residents, Port Harcourt residents, RIVPOLY, UNIPORT AND RSUST student groups. To join the forum, please click on the ”register” button at the top right of the homepage. Join Ogoni Online Forum today(……………….HURAC
HURAC is a club instituted by the Movement For the Survival of the Ogoni People, which is open to all secondary schools within and outside Ogoni and also to all intending members. It`s currently operating in Riv-Poly secondary school, its division HQTRS, and also in CSS Bori, ACGS Bori, BMGS Bori and some Portharcourt schools. It has Kate, Wisdom Deebeke as its pioneer Senior Chief Co-ordinator. It was inaugurated in Riv-Poly by the INTELLECTUAL ELITE BATCH, with Tuaka Jeremiah as the appointed Chairman as at then. It aims at educating members and the public on their fundamental human rights, human rights advocacy, human rights abuses and campaign, etc. To learn more about HURAC, please go to